Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What Does It Really Take to Train Our Dog?

People who plan to get a puppy or a dog are always looking for the different ways in which to train the animal. We wonder if we can do it ourselves, so we search for the material that would teach us how to do it. There are so many resources, we even start to think if maybe we should enroll our dog in a school, or hire a dog trainer to come to our house.

Now, we know that no matter which one we choose, we have to take part in the training session, because whatever our dog learns we have to learn too. We teach them to sit, to stay, to come, we show them were to poop and pee, but what does it really take to train our dog?

1. Dedication...We practically have to devote our time and our lives around our dogs. Training, exercising, feeding, and taking them to the vet, all takes time.

2. Persistence... Especially when training a puppy or a dog with a behavioral problem.

3. Patience...Staying calm, cool and collected makes training easier. When our dogs sense that we are in that state, they don't feel rushed, giving them time, to think about what we want them to do. Dogs are intelligent, some require a little more time than others.

4. Respect...Simple, respect our dogs and they will respect us.

5. Love...If we don't know what love is, then everyone should get a dog.

We shouldn't take dog training to seriously, keep the training sessions short, so the dog doesn't get bored and have fun while doing it. Try making a game out of it. Change the scenery, go to the park, the beach, go fishing or introduce him to friends. Next thing we know, he's part of the family, doing family things.

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